(580) 319-4590

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Do you have a bat infestation in your attic or in an outbuilding? There’s no need to look any further as we are the animal removal company that can solve your problem! We have experience in dealing with all manner of pest animals, but we have particular experience in dealing with bat infestations, and will be able to provide the same service in your home or commercial premises as well. We know that the guano that bats leave behind can build up quickly, so our team is on hand to discuss your situation 24/7, and we can usually get one of our animal removal experts to your premises to help resolve the issue within 24 hours. They will carry out a detailed inspection of the property to make sure they can identify the different points that the animals are using to get in and out of the premises, and will provide a quote before starting the work. When it comes to dealing with bats, we use exclusion netting that will allow the bats to exit the attic or outbuilding safely, but will then prevent them from being able to get back into that space. Due to the risk of disease transmission with bat guano, we can also offer a full cleaning and sanitization service, to help keep you and those around you safe.